23 November 2015



Open House

Saturday, November 28th
11 - 4
Sunday, November 29th
12 - 4


Regular Hours December 5th-20th
Saturday 1 - 5
Sunday 12 - 4


Winter weaves her magic into that most glorious of seasons in familiar and yet ever changing ways.  While the season finds us foraging & harvesting and preparing as we always have, this season finds me doing so with a different purpose, a changing vision - and therein lies the tale.  We have been harvesting, foraging and weaving our creative evergreen spell for many years and it's so lovely and inspirational to have so many of you still gracing the doors of our little workshop, leaving with pretty green bundles and packages tucked in under your arms, over your shoulders, your friends shoulders.  Each year, I continue to find myself in awe of how that first cut of balsam or pine sends me into creative overdrive enveloping the workshop in the most magical all natural fragrance that only fresh cut evergreens can provide.  As those greens work their way into winter wreaths which grace your doors as you welcome the Christmas season and beyond, I am inspired and grateful that you continue to allow us to be part of such a special season. 

One of the things I love most about this wildly creative place is that all I do, all I grow, all I create, is with my hands.  I work the land, weed, prepare and plant the gardens, grow flowers, harvest evergreens, twigs and branches which weave their way into this and that here and there, sharing with you all along the way.  This year, more than ever before, the hard, but joyful work of these hands have begun to speak to me in ways that many of you, I suspect, experience also - that of arthritis.  I officially have inflammatory osteoarthritis which is most acutely aggravated by repetitive hand work.   Coupled with Renauds, my hands are in need of tender loving care and it is that acknowledgement which has led me to a changed vision.  Knowing how much our work has come to be a tradition for so many of you, I have not made the decision lightly but rather out of necessity, your visits at this special time of year are an important part of my life, one I look forward to and plan for each year.  And while this year is no different in that respect, we have been working hard, foraging, harvesting, gathering and making, enjoying mother nature's kind and gentle ways this past month or so, you will see changes, changes which I am hopeful you will embrace and understand. 

What does it all really mean?  It's a year of change but one which will allow me to continue to take special orders from the usual suspects, while managing time spent on repetitive handwork tasks.  Although you will not find our traditional collection of ready-made evergreen wreaths, you will find the shop brimming with wreaths of a different kind, beautiful fresh greens by the bunch, twigs, baskets, a selection of planters, all of the usual handmade goodness and DIY inspiration you have come to expect and Workshops to inspire and delight. 

The workshops are posted here ~ I hope to see you exploring your creative self. 

Cheers and blessings of this most glorious of seasons. 

All images:  the urban farmchick

04 November 2015

A Winter's Tale

It has been a stunning autumn, one of the best in a while and my favourite time of year.  With mild days and cooler nights, the greens are being harvested, the moss gathered, the cones dried.  The workshop is awash in those most familiar scents that arrive but once a year in preparation for that most glorious of seasons.

Details, and it is all in the details, are being fine tuned ~ ready to deliver.  Are you ready?  Stay with us for just a few more days and I'm absolutely sure you will be as excited as I am.

In the meantime, my husband Brad has been throwing the most stunning pieces in preparation for the Thunder Bay Potter's Guild Christmas Show.  I'd like to keep them all but apparently that's not a go!  

You can visit the TBPG Christmas Show, Saturday, November 14th and Sunday, November 15th at the Valhalla Inn.  

22 September 2015

Harvest Tea Towel Class

The gardens are easing their way into autumn.  It has been an amazing summer with the flower cutting gardens producing far more than any other year, and while we still have much work to do in and around the cutting gardens, the bee yard and just life in general before the weather changes, I'm ready for a relaxing evening spent making and creating.  I'm hoping you'll join me. 

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, these pretty tea towels will make a lovely host's gift (if you're able to part).  The great thing . . .  you will leave class having printed three flour sack tea towels and enough print medium to make more (or an entirely different printed project) at home.  Yay!

Tuesday, October 6th  or  Thursday, October 8th
6:30 - 8ish

$40 (plus hst)

To register click HERE

31 August 2015


Of the "it's what you might call a Renovation" sale




As promised, I've been sorting, scouting and purging since you last visited in January and you will not be disappointed. Those of you looking for good junk to up-cycle then this is your day! We've been cleaning out the loft of the barn, the back of the barn, the garage and gardens, leaving no stone unturned.  But, in the spirit of my favourite season, it's not just about all the good junk and the day has officially become . . .

"The Flower, Soap and Good Junk (festival)" 

I was originally aiming for "The Flower, Soap and Honey Harvest (festival) but that begins and ends with the honeybees!  
To do a little catching up, winter 2014 was a tough one on the bees.  I lost all five of my hives after a long, persistently cold February.  I was, of course, devastated.  I love my bees and didn't realize just how much I missed their presence in and around the gardens until they were gone.  Spring and no bees.  Total bummer.  I re-hived in June just as soon as the new hives (called nucs) were ready to be picked up from two fellow beekeepers.  The gardens and yard were awash with the familiar buzzing of the honey bee once again.  Unfortunately, new hives spend their first season building up in population, foraging for pollen and nectar and making honey for their use.  It rarely results in extra honey for the beekeeper!

The new girls worked hard.  One hive in particular proved to be very strong early in the season and some extra honey they did offer up.  But not in sufficient quantity to allow me to have my Honey Harvest festival!  

So, we'll just celebrate in other ways.  

On the much, much brighter side, it has been an amazingly productive growing season.  The flowers are stunning and very ready for harvest.  We have been harvesting flowers for fresh and dried market bunches for a few weeks and are now in full harvest mode.  

In the spirit of the season we love so much, you will also find lots of lovely autumn goodness.  Fresh (live) Autumn planters of the unique Moss Cottage kind, bunches and bunches of flowers (fresh if mother nature continues to bless us with frost free nights ~ although there have been a few touch and go in that department), gorgeous drieds, and a stunning but limited selection of wreaths.

Handmade soaps alongside wonderful pottery and other handmade goodness.  

September is the perfect time to be planting and you will find a limited but intriguing selection of perennials for the garden alongside a great selection of garden "junk".

Urban rustic kitchen linens which speak to me of harvest time, knick knacks and doodads and well, I think you get the idea.  So, get the travelling shoes on, we'd love to see you. And, please help spread the word.  The more the merrier!  

Here's to warm autumn days and travelling shoes . . .

You can read all about Part I of our "It's what you might call a Renovation Sale" https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Urban-Farmchick/103573643060291?fref=nf
Just scroll down to January 2015 for the fb post

Photos:  1 & 2 taken by the incredibly talented Ashley Kibzey of Maria Maria Photo https://www.facebook.com/photographymariamaria?fref=ts

22 April 2015

I know I have . . .

been gone awhile.  Just popping in quickly to say hello, hope all is well.  I have a whole bunch of posts coming your way including some "how to's".  Thanks for hanging in there with me. 

Planning and dreaming of warmer days ahead . . .

In the meantime, I thought you may just enjoy this perfectly lovely tumblr blog.  It calms my soul when I'm in need ~

12 January 2015



As I turn the shop space into a workshop studio space, the shop is undergoing a serious, but cosmetic, renovation.  More on that to come but for now, you'll find some display pieces, french doors, old windows, chairs, an old cast iron sink, knick knacks, doo dads and while I'm at it, some left over shop stock.  And, the best part, it's going cheap!

FRIDAY,  JANUARY 16th  4-7